Lake Zell

Cool down in summer at Lake Zell

Lake Zell

Formed at the end of the last ice age around 10,000 to 16,000 years ago, Lake Zell lies at 750 m. Its area is 4.55 km² with a length of 3.8 km and a width of 1.5 km. The deepest point in the lake is 69.8 m. The average temperature of the lake in the summer months is between 18° and 24°.

Beach resorts on Lake Zell

Cooling down on hot summer days. There are 3 beaches spread around Lake Zell. Sun lovers and action people will get what they want.

Beach resorts in Zell am See and the surrounding area

Stand up Paddle

Fun for kids and grown-ups. Rent a stand-up paddle board (SUP) and head across the lake. No special experience is necessary here. Just a little balance and no fear of falling into the water are a good prerequisite. Other water sports options include rental: sailing, surfing, and boating.

Water sports rental

Shipping at Lake Zell

Eine Seefahrt die ist lustig, eine Seefahrt die ist schön…

Discover the lake and the most beautiful views of Zell’s old town on a trip on the excursion boat.

More information about shipping on Lake Zell

Aparthotel Zell am See

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